【本報綜合外電報導】白宮22日宣布,中國大陸國家主席胡錦濤訂明年元月19日抵達美國進行國是訪問,屆時美國總統歐巴馬將以國宴款待。在此同時,美國國防部宣布,美國國防部長蓋茨訂明年元月9日訪問中國大陸及日本。 白宮新聞祕書辦公室發布消息指出,歐巴馬訂元月19日(周三)在白宮歡迎胡錦濤「正式的國是訪問」。白宮說,這將是歐巴馬政府第三度接待外國領導人的國是訪問。白宮同時指出,去年11月,歐巴馬曾對中國進行國是訪問,這次胡錦濤以國是訪問回訪美國。 白宮指出,胡錦濤到訪,顯示美、中兩國加強合作以處理雙邊、區域、全球議題;也說明了兩國人民之間的情誼。白宮表示,歐巴馬期待並歡迎胡錦濤到訪,希望繼續構建夥伴關係,以推進兩國共同利益,並面對共同關切的議題。 新聞稿並說,19日當晚,歐巴馬夫婦將以國宴款待胡錦濤。由於新聞稿並未提及胡錦濤夫人劉永清,因此劉永清可能不與胡錦濤偕行。 另外,美國國防部發言人莫瑞爾21日宣布,蓋茨應訂元月9日至12日率團訪問北京等地。蓋茨原訂今年6月訪陸,可是由於美國宣布對台軍售,中共不悅,因此延擱。直到10月,蓋茨在河內出席「東協加8」國防部長會議,大陸國防部長梁光烈當面邀請,重新敲定此項訪問。 莫瑞爾表示,蓋茨此行將努力與中方建構互信、合作、全面的關係,並提升對話與交流,以增強相互了解,降低誤判、誤解等風險。莫瑞爾並表示,結束中國之行後,蓋茨訂元月13及14日訪問日本。
of the Press Secretary
December 22, 2010
Statement by the Press Secretary on the Visit of President Hu Jintao of the People’s Republic of China
President will host Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of
China, at the White House on January 19 for an official State visit.
This will be the third State visit of the administration and reciprocates
President Obama’s State visit to China in November 2009.
President Hu’s visit will highlight the importance of expanding
cooperation between the United States and China on bilateral, regional,
and global issues, as well as the friendship between the peoples of our
two countries. The President looks forward to welcoming President Hu
to Washington to continue building a partnership that advances our common
interests and addresses our shared concerns.
President and Mrs. Obama will host President Hu for an official state
dinner on the night of January 19.
of the Press Secretary
Immediate Release
December 22, 2010
Statement by the Press Secretary
Wednesday, December 22, 2010, the President signed into law:
S. 30,
which makes it illegal to cause any caller identification service to
knowingly transmit misleading or inaccurate caller identification
information with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongfully obtain
anything of value.
1275, which establishes a National Foundation on Fitness, Sports, and
Nutrition as a nonprofit corporation to promote participation by private
organizations in the activities of the President's Council on Fitness,
Sports, and Nutrition, and to promote private donations to support those
1405, which redesignates the Longfellow National Historic Site in
Massachusetts, as the Longfellow House-Washington's Headquarters National
Historic Site.
1448, which authorizes 99-year leases on land held in trust for five
Indian Tribes in the State of Oregon.
1609, which authorizes the Department of Commerce to approve a single
fishery cooperative for the longline catcher processor subsector in the
Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands Pacific cod fishery upon the request of
licensees holding at least 80 percent of the licenses issued for that
1774, which makes Hotaru Nakama Ferschke eligible for an immigrant visa or
for adjustment of status to that of lawful permanent resident.
2906, authorizes 99-year leases on land held in trust for the Kalispel
Tribe and the Puyallup Tribe of Washington State.
3199, which reauthorizes and expands authorized research and public health
activities related to the early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of
hearing loss in newborns and infants.
3794, which authorizes the General Services Administration to transfer
Federal surplus property to State agencies for distribution to certain
veterans-related organizations.
3860, which requires reports on the management of Arlington National
3984, which authorizes appropriations for museums and libraries through FY
2016, and extends programs administered by the Institute of Museum and
Library Services.
S. 3998, which extends
through March 30, 2012, a pilot program for certain volunteer
organizations that serve children to have fingerprint checks on applicants
for positions as volunteers or employees processed through the Fingerprint
Identification System of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
4005, which authorizes the U.S. Government to apply for, and Federal
courts to issue, restraining orders at any time before or after the
initiation of forfeiture proceedings by a foreign nation in order to
preserve the availability of property in the United States subject to
civil or criminal forfeiture under foreign law.
4010, which makes Shigeru Yamada eligible for an immigrant visa or for
adjustment of status to that of lawful permanent resident.
1061, which provides for the transfer of Federal and non-Federal land to
the United States to be held in trust for the Hoh Indian Tribe of
Washington State.
2941, which Reauthorizes Johanna's Law to increase public awareness and
knowledge with respect to gynecologic cancers.
4337, which modifies rules related to the tax treatment of regulated
investment companies, including rules related to capital loss carryovers,
dividends and other distributions, and excise taxes.
5591, which designates the airport traffic control tower located at
Spokane International Airport in Spokane, Washington, as the Ray Daves
Airport Traffic Control Tower.
6198, which makes technical corrections to the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention
and Consumer Protection Act of 2005.
H.R. 6278, which allows
the District of Columbia to use Heritage Island and a portion of Kingman
Island within the Anacostia River for recreational, environmental, or
educational purposes in accordance with the Anacostia Waterfront Framework
Plan and the Comprehensive Plan of the District of Columbia.
6473, which extends through March 31, 2011,
authorities to collect taxes that fund the Airport and Airway Trust Fund,
make expenditures from the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, and make grants
to airports under the Airport Improvement Program.
6516, which makes technical and conforming changes to the Coast Guard
Authorization Act of 2010.
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